Saturday, November 10, 2012

Snow, songs and beautiful thoughts from questionable sources

Good morning, friends!

It's snowing here in Jackson Hole. Just a bit, but any amount of snow is enough to get my thrill meter going.

Snow is beautiful.
Snow makes cozy clothes and pajamas not just delightful, but necessary.
Snow makes me feel better about closing myself up in a warm room, huddled over my desk hour after hour.

But I didn't really mean to write about snow. I just got distracted by the view beyond my computer screen.

No, what I really wanted to talk about is theme songs. As I was driving this morning, my theme song came on. It's called "Swim Until You Can't See Land," and when it comes on, I sing uproariously and feel like I could have written every word. So I'm wondering, do you have a theme song? If you don't, but you want to, what would it be?

My life - my running, my writing, my driving - they're all fueled by music. When I'm looking for new fuel, I visit some of these places:
  • Spotify lets you listen to any music you want for FREE. The free version includes ads and limits the devices you can use for listening, but there are affordable premium options, if you feel the need for that sort of thing.
  • RCRD LBL lets you stream and, in some cases, download for free, music by new artists.
  • Pandora is a personal favorite because it lets you type in a song or artist you like, then it plays songs with similar characteristics. If you're in a particular mood (snow! fireplace!), Pandora offers a quick and easy soundtrack maker AND lets you fall in love with new music.
One last thought: my current theme song, "Swim Until You Can't See Land" reminds me of a quote I read recently, one that has followed me around for weeks, even though I initially wanted to reject and ignore it because of its source.

"You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Christopher Columbus

I haven't been able to get rid of it, so I'm finally deciding to give in. Sometimes wisdom shows up in the most unexpected places.

Hope your day is - and sounds - beautiful.

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